Saturday 26 January 2008

Exciting News!

I just found out that I was cast as the leading female role in a play I auditioned for! The play is student written and its working title is Pub Comedy. My character's name is Alice and she works in a pub! I am really excited to be involved in a play while I'm over here because I feel it will be a great way to make really good friends! The cast members that I have met so far have seemed like a lot of fun and I am looking forward to working with them! The only down side is I won't be able to travel as much...but that's what April and May can be for! Oh! And the other blessing is that the show dates fall while my Mom is here! She has never missed a show that I have been in and she will be able to come to this one too! That's all for now folks!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

WOW!!!!!!! CONGRATS !!!!!!!! I am so happy for you sweety