Thursday 21 February 2008


Sorry I've been so MIA for the past week and a few days, but I seem to have caught a British stomach virus and it really likes me and doesn't want to go away! For the first few days I had it I felt really bad and stayed in bed and rested and tried to get over it. Now I don't really feel bad anymore its just that my tummy is not playing well with others for the moment. But I have not been on any adventures for a while so there hasn't been much to report. One thing I discovered by being sick is what a great support system I have here in such a short amount of time! Caitlyn, a very sweet girl who also goes to UT and lives a few doors down went to the nurse with me and bought me sprite and crackers when I was really sick! Aubrey, another sweet girl from one less door down, brought me chicken noodle soup and checked on my almost everyday! Daniel checked on me twice daily and asked if there was anything he could do for me! It was nice to have so many nice and supportive people to be there for me when I wasn't feeling that great! Its really hard to be sick so far from home but they helped in a big way!
I did perform my solo piece for my Physical Theater class this week! I think it went alright, I could tell I was weak from being in my bed for 5 days or so, but its done so I'm glad I overcame that hurdle! It was interesting to watch my fellow classmates work and I look forward to working in a group because I think I will learn more from working with other people. I know I will be more comfortable working with other people anyway!
Today I figured out how to record my lines (the lines for my play) on my computer and then transfer them to my ipod! I felt really proud of myself for figuring it out....I usually have to be shown how to do cool things on the computer! Wow, ok you really can tell how bored I have been for the past week! I will have more adventures to report soon! I miss you all very much!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad you are felling better !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!