Monday, 31 March 2008

Tim.....the Satanist

Here is the video of Tim....the Satanist that I promised you! This was one of my favorite parts in the play! I love the kid that plays Tim...the Satanist, he is a very talented actor and a really fun person named Will Parrott! Oh, and this is a video that I stole from Mitch, by the way so he gets credit for it! Though, this one was filmed by Aubrey! The first girl to speak is Jenna who played the dumb blond character....even though she's a very smart and hilarious girl. George is the curly haired guy and he is super sweet and funny! I'm in the background and give Tim...the Satanist his Bacardi and coke! So, here it is!

1 comment:

Dan Simpson said...

I always watch this clip when I ask myself why I try to put Pub Comedy on. I makes me happy and it makes me laugh. It makes me believe that the project has some entertainment value to other people outside myself.

Thank you for putting it here and everything you did in the original show, and may we all have more success in the future!

Dan x.